

Welcome to the New Zealand Psychological Society website. You may already be studying psychology or are thinking of doing so. We can help you find out more about where a postgraduate degree in psychology can take you in your career.  


About the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS)

The NZPsS is New Zealand’s largest community of psychologists.

We are a professional association for psychologists i.e. those registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board or those who have a postgraduate degree in psychology but are not registered psychologies.

 We also have a large number of postgraduate students subscribers who are currently studying psychology

Members and student subscribers are able to access a range of benefits and services to support them in their roles as practitioners, educators and researchers. Our postgraduate student subscribers also enjoy a range of services, benefits and discounts.

What is psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of human thought behaviour, emotion, personality, development motivation and experience. It comprises a body of knowledge informed by research that supports professional practice where psychological skills and knowledge are applied in a wide range of areas and settings.

What is a psychologist and what do they do?

Psychologists are professionally trained in the ways people think, feel, behave and learn.They are employed in a wide variety of fields in New Zealand, both in the public and private sectors.To work as a psychologist, you need to be registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board and work under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act.

Where do psychologists work?

Psychologists work in a range of settings including


New Zealand has a number of universities all of which offer courses in psychology. Psychology is also taught in a number of polytechnics.

Public Sector

Public sector employers of psychologists include District Health Boards, the Department of Corrections, psychological service, Learning Support within the Ministry of Education, social welfare agencies such as Oranga Tamariki as well as the Ministry of Defence, and the NZ Police.

The website of Careers New Zealand a government funded information service provides general information on working conditions and salaries and the NZ Qualifications Authority site has a searchable database of quality-assured qualifications available in New Zealand.

Private Practice

Many psychologists in private practice, provide services on an individual basis or as part of a group practice with other psychologists or other health professionals.

Industrial/Organisational Psychology

Larger organisations may employ psychologists in human resource management positions. Recruitment for these positions is often through commercial employment agencies. Psychologists may operate independently in a consulting capacity. For more information go to the Institute of Organisational Psychology's webpage.

Community and Voluntary Sector

Some psychologists work for community and voluntary welfare organisations.

For additional information go to https://www.careers.govt.nz/jobs-database/health-and-community/community-services/psychologist/

Watch videos from psychologists discussing their early career.

I am studying psychology but don’t know where to go from here?

It is sometimes difficult to see a pathway for yourself when you are studying. Make use of the career services at your university and talk with your psychology lecturers about your interest in a psychology career. If you are a Stage 3 student, you might like to contact the local branch of the New Zealand Psychological Society in your area to meet with psychologists and find out more about what they do.

How long does it take to qualify as a psychologist?

You will need a Masters or higher degree in psychology, 1500 hours of closely supervised practice and in some cases a post-graduate diploma prior to being registered by the New Zealand Psychologists Board.This can take from 7+ years.

What is the difference between the New Zealand Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychologists Board?

The New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) is a voluntary professional association for psychologists whereas the New Zealand Psychologists Board (NZPB) is the body that registers psychologists to practice in New Zealand. You must be registered with the NZPB to use the title “psychologist” and to work in New Zealand.

When can I join the New Zealand Psychological Society?

You can join as soon as you become a post-graduate student in psychology. It’s FREE and easy to join to become an NZPsS student subscriber.

Why should I join the Society when I become a postgraduate psychology student?

When you join you will:

  • become part of a vibrant community
  • be able to network with other students and professional psychologists through your local Society branch and build contacts to assist your future career
  • get discounted professional practice books
  • attend discounted workshops and seminars and access online professional development
  • publish in our magazine Psychology Aotearoa
  • attend the annual conference at a discounted rate

What’s not to like???

