Overseas Psychologists

Psychologists practising in New Zealand require post-graduate qualifications in psychology and meet the legal requirement of being registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board. Once registered psychologists need to hold an Annual Practising Certificate (APC). The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act identifies the requirements for registration.

The Psychologists Board’s website provides information on registration as a psychologist, scopes of practice, cultural competence and other professional issues relevant to practising in New Zealand.

There is mutual recognition of psychologist registration between Australia and New Zealand but the registration must be transferred to the relevant Board prior to commencing work as a registered psychologist.

Employment as a Psychologist in New Zealand

Overseas psychologists who wish to work in New Zealand need to gain a work permit from Immigration New Zealand. The Immigration New Zealand website provides information on this and other aspects of working in New Zealand including:

• The New Zealand work environment
• Owning a business
• Business case studies
• Skills required in New Zealand
• Gaining New Zealand residency
• New Zealand lifestyle
• FAQs

Employment Opportunities

Psychologists are employed in a wide variety of fields in New Zealand, both in the public and private sectors. There is no central site for all vacancies for psychologists. This website does have a Psychologist Vacancies page for psychologist positions in New Zealand.

Psychologists are employed in a range of settings including:

Universities, Polytechnics and Wānanga
New Zealand has a number of universities all of which offer courses in psychology. Psychology is also taught in a number of polytechnics. Other institutions of higher learning called wānanga offer a range of courses including te reo and tikanga Māori.

Public Sector
Public sector employers of psychologists include District Health Boards, the Department of Corrections, psychological service, Special Education within the Ministry of Education, social welfare agencies such as Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children) as well as the Ministry of Defence, and the NZ Police.

The website of Career Services a government funded information service provides general information on working conditions and salaries and the NZ Qualifications Authority site has a searchable database of quality-assured qualifications available in New Zealand.

Private Practice
Many psychologists in private practice, provide services on an individual basis or as part of a group practice with other psychologists or other health professionals.

Industrial/Organisational Psychology
Larger organisations may employ psychologists in human resource management positions. Recruitment for these positions is often through commercial employment agencies. Psychologists may operate independently in a consulting capacity. The Society hosts a website with information specifically for I/O psychologists.

Community and Voluntary Sector
Some psychologists work for community and voluntary welfare organisations.
