Book Store

The NZPsS publishes books related to professional practice issues.

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Mauri tau, girl, te reo publication page.jpgKa Kimi A Tamara I A Mauri Tau

Authors: Andre McLachlan, Waikaremoana Waitoki & Lisa Cherrington

He pakiwaitara e arahia ana e ngā atua Māori. He puka mō ngā mātua, kaiako, me ngā tohunga hauora hei pānui ki
ngā tamariki ko te reanga e ono ki te waru tau. He awhina i ngā tamariki ki te kite i ōnā pukenga, me ōnā wheakotanga i te ao tūroa, ā ka ako hoki me pēwhea tau ai a ia.
Kei muri i te puka nei, he whārangi tātaki hei awhina i te kaipānui. ISBN 978-1-877510-19-9, published April 2023

This book can be ordered and paid online here:


Mauri tau, girl,English publication page.jpgTamara searches for Mauri Tau

Authors: Andre McLachlan, Waikaremoana Waitoki & Lisa Cherrington

An adventure story guided by atua Māori. A book for parents, teachers and therapists to read to tamariki aged six to eight years. Helping tamariki learn about connecting with themselves, others and the environment and to learn how to respond to their emotions.
There is a guide for the reader at the back of this book.

This book can be ordered and paid online here:


Kei Whea A Mauri Tau? - English Version

Authors: Andre McLachlan, Waikaremoana Waitoki & Lisa Cherrington
Where is Mauri Tau? An adventure story guided by atua Māori. A book for parents, teachers and therapists to read to tamariki aged six to eight years. Helping tamariki learn about connecting with themselves, others and the environment and to learn how to respond to their emotions. There is a guide for the reader at the back of this book. ISBN 978-1-877510-19-9, Published May 2022
This book can be ordered and paid online here:


Kei Whea A Mauri Tau? - Te Reo Māori Version

Authors: Andre McLachlan, Waikaremoana Waitoki & Lisa Cherrington
He pakiwaitara e arahia ana e ngā atua Māori. He puka mō ngā mā tua, kaiako, me ngā tohunga hauora hei pānui ki ngā tamariki ko te reanga e ono ki te waru tau. He awhina i ngā tamariki ki te kite i ō nā pukenga, me ō nā wheakotanga i te ao tū roa, ā ka ako hoki me pēwhea tau ai a ia. Kei muri i te puka nei, he whā rangi tā taki hei awhina i te kaipānui. ISBN 978-1-877510-19-9, Published May 2022
This book can be ordered and paid online here:


Climate Action and Global Psychology website.jpgClimate Action and Global Psychology

Edited by Amanda Clinton, Brian Dixon & Terri Morrissey

Climate Action and Global Psychology has been published by the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) on behalf of the Global Psychology
Alliance. The Society is proud to have been closely involved in the production of this landmark contribution to the scientific literature on the psychological aspects of climate change and action, both in terms of preventive actions and the responses from psychology.

ISBN: 978-0-473-62752-2 (PDF); ISBN: 978-0-473-62750-8 (Epub)
The free PDF can be downloaded on the Climate Change page.

Kua tu cover for publication page.jpgKua Tū, Kua Oho Bicultural Keynote Addresses to the New Zealand Psychological Society Rōpū Mātai Hinengaro o Aotearoa 2010–2017

Edited by Waikaremoana Waitoki, Jade Le Grice, Raymond Nairn, Rosanne Black, Phillipa Te Paea Pehi

This book is the second edition of keynote addresses by leading psychologists, educators and researchers. Key messages are: Decolonising psychology, Mātauranga Māori, Indigenous knowledge, Racism and inequities, Kaupapa Māori, Manaakitanga and Aroha (compassion and hope)

ISBN: 978-0-473-53319-9
Softcover, 358 pages
This book can be ordered and paid online here:  

Cover, living the treaty Living the Treaty: Personal Reflection

Author: Ted Glynn

Throughout this book the author reflects on stories of his own personal encounters with the Treaty of Waitangi in the context of education. The stories range over 70 years of meeting and working with Māori friends and colleagues in education, and, with their encouragement and support, learning to be comfortable in engaging with Te Ao Māori (the
Māori world).
ISBN: 978-0-473-55229-9
152 pages, soft cover

This book can be ordered and paid online here: 

2021 Law book for publication page.jpgPsychology and the Law in Aotearoa New Zealand, 4th edition

Edited by Fred Seymour, Suzanne Blackwell and Armon Tamatea 

This new edition of Psychology and the Law in Aotearoa New Zealand is in many respects an updated version of its predecessor, the second edition. Some of the chapters are unaltered from the previous edition or contain only minor revisions. Others are substantial revisions to accommodate recent legislation or guidelines issued by the relevant government department. Of particular significance is the new Privacy Act 2020..
ISBN 978-0-473-62122-3
15 chapters, 390 Pages, soft back cover

This book can be ordered and paid online here: 

PPANZ-2016-cover-page-for-web-e1473033132976.jpgProfessional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand (3rd edition)

Edited by Waikaremoana W. Waitoki, Jacqueline S. Feather, Neville R. Robertson & Julia J. Rucklidge
This book is a major revision of the previous edition of the New Zealand Psychological Society’s professional practice handbook. It represents the continuing evolution of psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand which has been shaped by the interaction of international theory and practice, te ao Māori and the cultural realities of newer peoples.
ISBN 978-0-473-35488-6
34 chapters, 580 Pages, soft back cover

This book can be ordered and paid online here: 

Cover-final-for-web-e1473034156990.jpgTe Manu Kai i Te Mātauranga: Indigenous Psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Edited by Waikaremoana W. Waitoki & Michelle Levy
This ground-breaking book brings together the work of 18 Māori psychologists. Linked by a central story, each author offers insights into how they work with Māori when they start from positions of hope, cultural contexts, and culturally significant essentials. Including a diverse range of expertise, topics covered include Kaupapa Māori psychology, community psychology, mental health, drug and alcohol, neuropsychology, family violence, educational psychology and child and adolescent psychology.
ISBN 978-0-473-34545-7
16 chapters, 300 pages, soft back cover

This book can be ordered and paid online here: 

Book-cover-14-i.jpgKa Tū, Ka Oho: Visions of a Bicultural Partnership in Psychology

Edited by Raymond Nairn, Phillipa Pehi, Rosanne Black and Waikaremoana Waitoki
Inside Ka Tū, Ka Oho reside the voices of 20 years of bicultural keynote addreses given to the New Zealand Psychological Society at its annual conference. This is one of those rare books that   accurately interprets and reflects the needs of Māori and Pākehā New Zealanders in our endeavours to work in partnership. This book is relevant for all those who wish to improve their practice with diverse peoples including Māori, Samoan and Pākehā.
ISBN 978-0-473-20665-9
15 chapters, 317 pages, softback cover

This book can be ordered and paid online here: 

