NZPsS Bicultural Articles

This is a list of all the articles published by the NZ Psychological Society in its publications with bicultural content:


Articles from the New Zealand Journal of Psychology


Kaupapa Māori Early Years Provision and Whānau Wellbeing: A Retrospective Survey at a Taranaki-Based Centre
Erana Hond-Flavell, Gareth J. Treharne, Aroaro Tamati, Reremoana Theodore, Jesse Kokaua, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton, and Mihi Ratima

Age stratified normative data for Māori on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (4th edition; WAIS-IV)
Makarena Dudley, Suzanne Barker-Collo, Denise Wilson, and Nick Garrett

Māori voices in healing childhood maltreatment and breaking the cycle of family harm
Kirsty L Dempster-Rivett, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Katrina Roen, and Nicola Starkey


Story, Myth, and Pūrākau: An Exploration of the use of Narrative in the Therapeutic Setting in Aotearoa New Zealand
Meredith Standing and Ella R. Kahu

He Piki Raukura: Assessing Ao Māori developmental constructs – Part I: Reliability of novel strengths-based measures among preschool Māori children
Aroaro Tamati, Gareth J. Treharne, Reremoana Theodore, Mihi Ratima, Erana Hond-Flavell, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton

He Piki Raukura: Assessing Ao Māori developmental constructs – Part II: Mapping positive change over 10 months among preschool Māori children
Aroaro Tamati, Gareth J. Treharne, Jesse Kokaua, Reremoana Theodore, Mihi Ratima, Erana Hond-Flavell, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton​


Aspirations for bilingualism in Aotearoa New Zealand: Pākehā motivations for learning te reo Māori
Awanui Te Huia

A Systematic Review of Bipolar Disorder in Indigenous Peoples
Tracy Haitana, Suzanne Pitama, Marie Crowe, Richard Porter, Roger Mulder and Cameron Lacey

The Revised Multidimensional Model of Māori Identity and Cultural Engagement (MMM-ICE3)
Correna M. Matika, Carla A. Houkamau, and Chris G. Sibley

Exploring the relationship between support for protest and psychological well-being for Māori
Carla A. Houkamau, Samantha Stronge, Danny Osborne, Chris G. Sibley and Kiri Dell


A journey of identity: A rangatahi treatment programme for Māori adolescents who engage in sexually harmful behaviour
Luisa Ape-Esera and Ian Lambie

Flexible identities: Narratives of Māori Italians in New Zealand
Adalgisa Giorgio and Carla A. Houkamau

“This is not us”: But actually it is. Talking about the right time to raise the issue of colonisation
Waikaremoana Waitoki


The Modern Racism toward Māori Scale
Nicole Satherley, Chris G. Sibley
Tū Māori Mai: Māori Cultural Embeddedness Improves Adaptive Coping and Wellbeing for Māori Adolescents
Ririwai Fox, Tia Neha, Paul E. Jose


A proposed hauora Māori clinical guide for psychologists: Using the hui process and meihana model in clinical assessment and formulation
Suzanne G. Pitama, Simon T. Bennett, Waikaremoana Waitoki, et al.

Behind the label
Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Amohia Boulton, Arama Rata, et al

Infant Sleep Patterns
Horiana Jones, Carol Cornsweet Barber, Linda Waimarie Nikora, et al.

Talanoa with Pasifika youth and their families
Julia Ioane

Whai tikanga: The application of a culturally relevant value centred approach
Andre D. McLachlan, Rebecca Wirihana and Terry Huriwai

Māori men: An indigenous psychological perspective on the interconnected self
Mohi Rua, Darrin Hodgetts and Ottilie Stolte

Whakairia ki runga
Hukarere Valentine, Natasha Tassell-Mataamua and Ross Flett

Is the test of premorbid functioning a valid measure for Māori in New Zealand?
Margaret Dudley, Kelly Scott and Suzanne Barker-Collo

Stories of survival and resilience: An enquiry into what helps tamariki and rangatahi through whānau violence
Anna Walters and Fred Seymour

“What I reckon is, is that like the love you give to your kids they’ll give to someone else and so on and so on”: Whanaungatanga and mātauranga Māori in practice 
Jade Le Grice, Virginia Braun and Margaret Wetherell

Mā te mātau, ka ora: The use of traditional Indigenous knowledge to support contemporary rangatahi Māori who self-injure
Tahlia Kingi, Lynne Russell, Witi Ashby, et al.

Cultural Efficacy Predicts Increased Self Esteem for Māori: The Mediating Effect of Rumination
Correna M. Matika, Sam Manuela, Emerald Muriwai, et al.


Reducing racism against Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sylvia Pack, Keith Tuffin, Antonia 30 Lyons


Culture as Cure? The Protective Function of Māori Cultural Efficacy on Psychological Distress
E. Muriwai, C. A. Houkamau, C. G. Sibley
Developing Mahi Oranga: A Culturally Responsive Measure of Māori Occupational Stress and Wellbeing
Aidan S. Tabor, Taciano L. Milfont, Colleen Ward
Perspectives towards Māori identity by Māori heritage language learners
Awanui Te Huia


Cultural invisibility: Indigenous people with traumatic brain injury and their experiences of neuropsychological assessments
Margaret Dudley, Denise Wilson, Suzanne Barker-Collo


The Importance of Race and Ethnicity: An Exploration of New Zealand Pākehā, Māori, Samoan and Chinese Adolescent Identity – Melinda Webber, Elizabeth McKinley & John Hattie
Ethnicity, workplace bullying, social support and psychological strain in Aotearoa/New Zealand – Dianne Gardner, Tim Bentley, Bevan Catley, Helena Cooper-Thomas, Michael O’Driscoll & Linda Trenberth


Ka Tū: Ka Oho: Visions of a Bicultural Partnership in Psychology. Invited Keynotes: Revisiting the Past to Reset the Future – Book Reviewby Clive Banks & Ian M. Evans
New Zealand Female Body Image: What Roles do Ethnicity and Body Mass Play? – Ruchika Talwar, Janet D. Carter & David H. Gleaves


Pluralistic and Monocultural facets of New Zealand National Character and Identity – Chris G. Sibley, William James Hoverd & James H. Liu
Mass Media in Aotearoa: An Obstacle to Cultural Competence – Raymond Nairn, Angela Moewaka-Barnes, Jenny Rankine, Belinda Borell, Sue Abel & Tim McCreanor
Blending the Clinical and the Cultural: A Framework for Conducting Formal Psychological Assessment in Bicultural Settings – Angus H. Macfarlane, Neville M. Blampied, Sonja H. Macfarlane
Wittgenstein and the Tikanga of Psychotherapy – Nick Drury
Ethnic Group Stereotypes in New Zealand – Chris G. Sibley, Kate Stewart, Carla Houkamau, Sam Manuela, Ryan Perry, Liz W. Wootton, Jessica F. Harding, Yang Zhang, Nikhil Sengupta, Andrew Robertson, William James Hoverd, Time West-Newman & Frank Asbrock


Cultural Biases in the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III: Testing Tamariki in a New Zealand Samples – Tracy Haitana, Suzanne Pitama & Julia J. Rucklidge
The Multi-Dimensional Model of Māori Identity and Cultural Engagement – Carla A. Houkamau & Chris G. Sibley


Steering by Matariki and the Southern Cross: Plotting Clinical Psychology’s Course in New Zealand – Ian M. Evans
Journeying under Matariki and the Southern Cross: What are our Guiding Stars? A Comment and Reflection on Evans – Neville M. Blampied
Propelling the Waka: Comments on Ian Evans “Steering by Matariki and the Southern Cross: Plotting Clinical Psychology’s Course in New Zealand” – Robert G. Knight
An Indigenous Reality Check: “Steering by Matariki and the Southern Cross: Plotting Clinical Psychology’s Course in New Zealand” – Catherine Love


Differentiating the Motivations and Justifications Underlying Individual Differences in Pakeha Opposition to Bicultural Policy: Replication and extension of a predictive model – Chris G. Sibley, Marc S. Wilson, Andrew Robertson


Pakeha Attitudes Toward the Symbolic and Resource-specific Aspects of Bicultural Policy in New Zealand: The legitimising role of collective guilt for historical injustices – Chris G. Sibley, Andrew Robertson, Steve Kirkwood
Descriptions of Depression among a Sample of Māori Smokers – Marewa Glover
Analysing Smoking using Te Whare Tapa Wha – Marewa Glover
Frequency of Traumatic Events, Physical and Psychological Health among Māori – Paul Hirini, Ross Flett, Nigel Long, Michelle Millar
Stages of Change for Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Dietary Fat Modification in Māori Women: Some relationship with body attitudes and eating behaviours – Natasha Tassell, Ross Flett
Developing Services in Te Rohe o Ngai Tahu for Māori with Gambling Related Problems – Paul Robertson, Suzanne Pitama, Terry Huriwai, Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll, Tracy Haitana, Jillian Larsen, Sam Uta’i
Psychometrics: An Ancient Construct for Māori – Stephanie Palmer
Influential Factors Moderating Academic Enjoyment/Motivation and Psychological Well-being for Māori University Students at Massey University – Jhanitra R. Gavala, Ross Flett
Taha Māori and Aotearoa/New Zealand Clinical Psychology: Developments at the University of Canterbury – Philip Skogstad, Inez Skogstad, Eileen Britt

Pre – 2005

Homai te Waiora ki Ahau: A tool for the measurement of wellbeing among Māori – the evidence of construct validity – Stephanie Palmer  (2004)
Attitudes towards biculturalism in New Zealand: Social dominance and Pakeha attitudes towards the general principles and resource-specific aspects of bicultural policy – Chris G.Sibley, James H. Liu     (2004)
Analysing a Silent Discourse: Sovereignty and tino rangatiratanga in Aotearoa – Keith Tuffin, Angelique Praat, Karen Frewin  (2004)
Who Gets Voice? (Re)presentation of Bicultural Relations in New Zealand Print Media – Kelly Barclay, James H. Liu  (2003)
Bicultural Partnerships in Clinical Training and Practice in Aotearoa/New Zealand – Averil M.L. Herbert (2002)
Kaumatautanga – Reciprocity: Māori Elderly and Whanau – M H Durie (1999)
Cultural Bias in the Neuropsychological Assessment of Young Māori Men – Jenni A. Ogden, Garry McFarlane-Nathan (1997)
Counselling Māori Clients – He whakawhiti nga whakaaro i te tangata whaiora Māori – Paul Hirini  (1997)
Identity, Nationhood and Implications for Practice in New Zealand – M H Durie (1997)
When Racism Stepped Ashore: Antecedents of Anti-Māori Discourse in Aotearoa – Timothy McCreanor (1997)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology Training Programmes – Elizabeth C Brady (1992)
Cross-cultural Recognition of Posed Facial Expressions of Emotion – Shaila D Mehta, Colleen ward, Ken Strongman (1992)
The Effects of Cooperative and Competitive Learning Methods on the Mathematics Achievement, Attitudes Toward School, Self-Concepts and Friendship Choices of Māori, Pakeha and Samoan Children – Krystyna M Rzoska, Colleen Ward (1991)
Development of a Test of Māori Knowledge – David R Thomas (1988)
The Psychology of Intergroup Discrimination – Graham M Vaughan (1988)
A Whiter Shade of Pale: Taha Māori and Professional Psychology Training – Max W Abbott, Mason H Durie  (1987)
Imitation of Television Aggression among Māori and European Boys and Girls – Peter A Ling, David R Thomas  (1986)
Some psychometric properties of the Queensland Test of Cognitive Abilities with New Zealand European and Māori children – Ross St George  (1983)

Articles from Psychology Aotearoa

Psychological Perspectives on Science Diplomacy
Waikaremoana Waitoki, May 2023

Sense and sensibility: The ‘paradox’ of being Māori
Ririwai Fox, November 2022

He Haerenga Whakapapa: Tracing the footsteps of my tūpuna to find the origins of our collective wounding
Deanna Haami, November 2022

Harirū, Hongi and Hau in the time of COVID-19
Marama Muru-Lanning and Hilary Lapsley, May 2022

Me tiro whakamuri, kia anga whakamua: Walking backwards into the future,
Bridgette Masters-Awatere, November 2021

Seeing” Kāpō Māori: Making visible the experiences of Kāpō Māori during and after COVID-19,
Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Chrissie Cowan and Rebekah Graham, November 2021

Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai – A reflection of my PhD journey so far,
Alana Haenga-O’Brien, November 2021

Māori graduate students’ hopes, reflections and recommendations for psychology in Aotearoa,
Finley Ngarangi Johnson, Annalisa Strauss-Hughes, Ririwai Fox & Carrie Clifford, November 2021

Unearthing the Complexities of Wellbeing: Learnings from a Māori Think Tank
Dr Melissa Derby and Dr Susannah Stevens, May 2021

Ethical Practice – you in or out?
Samantha P. Patel, November 2020

Indigenous research collaborations could better inform the future of psychology in Aotearoa
Carrie Clifford, November 2020

Developing a strong family narrative key to overcoming COVID-19
Carrie Clifford, November 2020

An Indigenous Māori response to Covid-19- Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki & Dr Hukarere Valentine, May 2020

He awa whiria, braiding the rivers of kaupapa Māori and Western evidence on community mobilisation
Cristy Trewartha, May 2020

From whakamā to whakamana: He aha tēnei
Karis Knight, November 2019

Kai and hauora
Taryn Hale, November 2019

Dysregulation in the stress response system, culturally enhanced mindfulness and adverse childhood experiences among Māori women 
Miriama Ketu-McKenzie, November 2018

Toitū te Mātauranga: Valuing culturally inclusive research in contemporary times
Angus Macfarlane and Sonja Macfarlane, November 2018

Bridges to success for Māori- An aspirational lens
Angus Macfarlane, Sonja Macfarlane, Melissa Derby, Melinda Webber, May 2018

An interview with Dr Tia Neha, Māori and Indigenous Psychology lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington, May 2018

How young Māori wāhine cope with parenthood: A Kaupapa Māori exploration 
Jessica Gerbic, November 2017

Māori women perspectives of leadership and wellbeing
Stacey Mariu Ruru, November 2016

Cognitive neuropsychological functioning in Māori diagnosed with schizophrenia 
Tai Kake, May 2016

Pesky pronouns in Article I of te Tiriti o Waitangi 
Raymond Nairn, November 2015

Pākehā/Tauiwi meet to discuss bicultural responsibilities
Rose Black, November 2015

He mauri, he Māori: Te iho, te moemoea, te timatanga ō mātou haerenga ki Te Ao Tūroa/ Our vision and beginnings of a journey into Te Ao Tūroa (the world) in Educational Psychology
Jeanette Berman, Terence Edwards, Jhan Gavala, Cathy Robson and Judith Ansell, November 2015

Seeking Wellbeing for Māori Women with Bipolar Disorder: Creativity and Art 
Parewahaika Harris, Waikaremoana Waitoki & Linda Waimarie Nikora, May 2015

“There’s no cloud of shame on me”: Māori men’s experiences of prison-based psychological rehabilitation- Part 2
Damian Terrill & Neville Robertson, Nov 2014

Māori women’s experiences of mental health services in New Zealand: A qualitative interview study
Gemma Tricklebank, May 2014

“There’s no cloud of shame on me”: Māori men’s experiences of prison-based psychological rehabilitation- Part I
Damian Terrill, Neville Robertson & Marianne Lammers, May 2014

Me Maumaharatanga Ngā Kōrero o Ngā Whānau, Family Recollections and Social Contributions to Māori Children’s Learning 
Tia Neha, Nov 2013

The Complexity of Developing a Global Definition of Competency
Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki, Dr Rosanne Black, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Nov 2013

The Australian Psychological Society, Reconciliation Action Plan 
Ray Nairn

Ngāpuhi Speaks: He Wakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Independent report on Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu Claim
A book review by Ray Nairn

Different Coloured Tears: Bicultural Bereavement – A study  
Kiri Edge

Tumeke Bro’: Working with male Māori tamariki 
Nick Mulqueeny (November 2012)

Indigenous Australian Mental Health and Racism 
Pat Dudgeon  (November 2012)

Tōku reo, tōku ngākau: Learning the language of the heart 
Erana Cooper  (November 2012)

Researching the success of Māori achievers 
Angus Macfarlane  (November 2012)

Toward cultural safety: Experiences of a non-Māori therapist working with Māori clients – Part 2 
Marianne Lammers  (May 2012)

Toward cultural safety: Experiences of a non-Māori therapist working with Māori clients – Part 1 
Marianne Lammers  (November 2011)

Pakeha reactions to Pakeha privilege: invitation to discussion 
Belinda Borrell  (November 2011)

The Māori translation of the Code of Ethics Part 2 
Pip Pehi for NSCBI  (May 2011)

The Māori translation of the Code of Ethics Part 1
Raymond Nairn for NSCBI  (November 2010)

Treaty Framework for a Sustainable Future for Psychology: Cultural Competencies in Context 
Averil Herbert  (November 2010)

Psychologists practising in the presence of history 
Aroha Waipara-Panapa and Ingrid Huygens  (November 2010)

The complexity and simplicity of evaluating Kaupapa Māori programmes 
Bridgette Masters-Awatere  (May 2010)

Siautu Alefaio et al.  (May 2010)

Challenging and countering anti-Māori discourse: Practices for decolonisation 
Tim McCreanor  (November 2009)

Articles from The Psychologist
Articles from The Bulletin

Nga Kete – A basket of Bicultural Resources on the New NZPsS Website  (May 2009)
Feedback Report – Report on Māori Student Attendance at the NZPsS Annual Conference 2008 – Karyn McRae  (November 2008)
Medical Health Inpatient Services: Improving our understanding of Māori when they are acutely unwell – Julie Wharewera-Mika (May 2008)
‘Spill-over’ of Sustainable Practices: A PhD Proposal – Mohi Rua   (May 2008)
2007 National Māori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium: Claiming Spaces – Dr Michelle Levy, Dr Linda Nikora, Moana Waitoki, Mohi Rua & Bridgette Masters-Awatere  (May 2008)
Adolescent Māori mothers’ experiences with social support during pregnancy, birth and motherhood, and their particpation in education – Casey Rawiri  (November 2007)
Pou Korero: A Journalist’s Guide to Māori and Current Affairs – Carol Archie   (November 2007)
Ko te Aka Kumara – NSCBI  (November 2007)
An introduction to Huata Holmes, NZPsS Kaumatua (June 2007)
Prioritising Indigenous and Cultural Worldviews: Reflections on the 2006 Joint Conference of APS and NZPsS – Michelle Levy  (November 2006)
A modern view of Mana – Dr Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal  (November 2006)
Psychology: Culture and Practice – A new Science – Keriata Paterson  (November 2006)
Bi-Enculturation of the Society? Executive Bi-cultural Planning day – Jhanitra Gavala  (May 2006)
Implications of Rule 3 – NSCBI  (May 2006)
On the Legitimacy of a Māori Psychology – Armon Tamatea   (May 2006)
Reflections of the Bicultural Symposium – Bridgette Masters-Awatere  (November 2005)
National Standing Committee on Bicultural Issues (NSCBI): A Brief History – Andrew Duirs (November 2005)
Becoming Bicultural: it’s a partnership between the Society and we members – Raymond Nairn  (July 2005)
Report back on the Bicultural Training day – Bridgette Masters-Awatere   (July 2005)
Barriers and Incentives to Māori participation in the Profession of Psychology – Michelle Levy  (July 2005)
Ma hea – which way? Mo te aha – what for? Too many questions, not enough answers, for Māori on the March – Ngahuia Te Awekotuku  (December 2004)
Psychology becoming bicultural – Māori keynote addresses; was there something we missed? – Raymond Nairn  (December 2004)
On Equality and Colourblindness – Neville Robertson  (July 2004)
The Intergenerational Perpetuation of Achievement Messages in Māori Whānau – Kim Marie Southey  (July 2003)
Reflections on Pakeha Identity – Ingrid Huygens, Rose Black and Heather Hammerton (July 2003)
The Bicultural Development of NZPsS – (July 2003)
The Aspirations of Māori: An exploratory study – Arthur J. Grooby (September 2002)
In Aotearoa Holocaust is Spelt A-S-S-I-M-I-L-A-T-I-O-N – Raymond Nairn  (September 2002)
Rangatiratanga and Kawanatanga – Resetting our Future – Linda W. Nikora  (September 2001)
Keynote address – The Honourable Tariana Turia  (September 2001)
Two keynote addresses – Conference 2000 – Raymond Nairn  (September 2001)
Bibliography of books related to Tiriti o Waitangi and bicultural relationships in Aotearoa (September 2000)
Ethnicity issues in deliberate self-injury: A review of literature – Cate Wilson  (December 1999)
Codes and cultures: a resulting ethical dilemma – Marianne Lammers & Raymond Nairn  (September 1999)
The Treaty of Waitangi in Clinical Psychology Training at the University of Waikato (Part 1) – Averil Herbert  (September 1998)
The Treaty of Waitangi in Clinical Psychology Training at the University of Waikato (Part 2) – Averil Herbert  (September 1998)
The Practice of Research in Psychology – Raymond Nairn  (April 1997)
What Ever Happened to Cross-Cultural Psychology – James Ritchie  (November 1997)
Psychological Practice for the New Zealand Context – P.R. Hirini & R.G. Nairn  (August 1996)
Conference Beginnings – NSCBI  (April 1996)
NSCBI and the Canadian Code of Ethics – Raymond Nairn  (December 1995)
Hui ’95: Māori and Psychology Conference – Linda Waimarie Nikora  (June 1995)
To Have or Not to Have…Māori Academic Staff – Fiona Cram (June 1995)
Developing a Bicultural Psychology for Aotearoa -NSCBI  (June 1995)
Evaluation of the bicultural development of the NZPsS Annual Conference 1994 – NSCBI   (September 1995)
How does the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) relate to a science that developed after 1890? – NSCBI (March 1995)
An Interview with Linda Waimarie Nikora, out-going convenor of the NSCBI  (December 1994)
Why was there no powhiri at the Waikato Conference – NSCBI  (September 1994)
Clinical Psychology and Kaupapa Māori – Barry Parsonson  (March 1993)
Tikanga a Rangahau: Nga Mahi Hahu Practices of Research – M Hohepa & S McNaughton  (March 1993)
Bicultural Issues in Research – Pam Oliver  (March 1993)
A letter – Ingrid Huygens  (March 1993)
The Socially Constructed Nature of Psychology and the Abnormalisation of Māori – Keri Lawson  (March 1993)
Pakeha Psychology and its Resistance to the Māori Challenge – Tim McCreanor  (March 1993)
What are Bicultural Psychological Services? – David R. Thomas  (March 1993)
Towards a Psychology for Aotearoa – Fiona Cram & Tim McCreanor  (March 1993)
Developing Psychologies: An Ethical Necessity – Marewa Glover  (March 1993)
The Power, the Glory, & the Great White Hunter – Paul Stanley  (March 1993)
Having Policy means taking action – Sandy Gauntlett  (March 1993)
Hononu Kakii, Paapaku Uaua – Tereki Stewart  (March 1993)
Beyond the Treaty – James Ritchie (March 1993)
The Treaty of Waitangi and Bicultural Issues for Psychologists – Te Hata Ohlson  (March 1993)
Guest Editorial  – Fiona Cram and Raymond Nairn (March 1993)
Newsletter from the National Standing Committee on Bicultural Issues  (December 1992)
A Report from the National Standing Committee on Bicultural Issues  (October 1992)
A Report from the National Standing Committee on Bicultural Issues  (June/ July 1992)
