Bicultural Resources

The resources below relate to professional and cultural competency.


Information and Perspectives on Māori Psychology and Health Issues

O Le Toe Ulutaia
A Bibliography of Pasifika and Psychology Research
Jessee Fia’Ali’i, Sam Manuela, Jade Le Grice, Shiloh Groot, Julia Hyde

He Kohikohinga Rangahau
A Bibliography of Māori and Psychology Research
Julia Hyde, Jade Le Grice, Chloe Moore, Shiloh Groot, Jessee Fia’Ali’i, Sam Manuela

NGĀ POU WĀHINE- A framework of empowerment for Māori women and gambling misuse
Laurie Morrison and Denise Wilson

He Ara Whakamua: Building Pathways Together to the Future
Social Investment Agency

What is the cost? Child health inequities in Aotearoa study – Te Mana Taurite a Tangata: He Whakaoratanga mo Te Ao Hurihuri
Dr Clair Mills, Health Promotion Forum Symposium 2012

Māori suicide prevention, postvention and Mauri Ora - Kaupapa, Whakapapa, Moemoeā
(2020, October). Wellington: University of Otago.
Presented by Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho this seminar tells stories of Māori suicide, the history of Māori suicide, and the dreams, visions and hopes of Māori for present and future wellbeing.

Preventing Māori suicide: what can we do?
Keri Lawson-Te Aho

Preventing Māori suicide: Involving whānau and community
Di Grennell

Preventing Māori suicide: Involving whānau and community
Michael Naera

Preventing Māori suicide: Improving care and intervention
Dr Lynne Russell

Preventing Māori suicide: Improving care and intervention
Dr Nicole Coupe

He Koha Aroha – Preventing Māori suicide

Kaumātua Taonga Aroha
Dr Lorna Dyall

Māori student participation in psychology
Eva Morunga

Māori Psychology
Research papers at Waikato University

Between two worlds: a psychology student’s international experience in Māori New Zealand
Keren Lehavot

He Kohikohinga Rangahau: A Bibliography of Māori and Psychology Research
Hinekura Hollis, Erana Cooper, Virginia Braun, Pikihuia Pomare, The University of Auckland 2010

Claiming Spaces: Proceedings of the 2007 National Māori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium
Māori and Psychology Research Unit, Psychology Department, University of Waikato

Māori Perspectives on Kaupapa Māori and Psychology: A Discussion Document and Report for the New Zealand Psychologists Board
Moe Milne, 2005

Indigenous Psychology in Aotearoa-Realising Māori Aspirations
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Michelle Levy, University of Waikato

Māori Psychology Research Papers
University of Waikato

Māori Mental Health Service Finder
Mental Health Education & Resource Centre

He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy
Ministry of Health 2002

Māori Health-Ministry of Health Website

Primary Health Organisation-Service Delivery Toolkit
Māori Health Perspectives: Māori View of Health, Ministry of Health 2004 pp59-65

Māori Health Review – A Māori Health Research Journal

A whanau ora approach to health care for Māori
Jacquie Kidd, Veronique Gibbons, Ross Lawrenson, Wayne Johnstone, Journal of Primary Health Care Vol 2 (2) June 2010

The Value of te reo in primary care
Suzanne Pitama, Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll, Tania Huria, Cameron Lacey, Paul Robertson, Journal of Primary Health Care Vol 3 (2) June 2011

Te Whāriki- bicultural curriculum statement-early childhood education– Ministry of Education

Maori cultural adaptation of a brief mental health intervention in primary care
Fiona Mathieson, Kara Mihaere, Sunny Collings, Antony Dowell, James Stanley, Journal of Primary Health Care Vol 4 (3) September 2012

Evaluation of Tu Meke PHO’S Wairua Tangata Programme: a primary mental health initiative for underserved communities
Sally Abel, Bob Marshall, Donny Riki, Tania Luscombe, Journal of Primary Health Care Vol 4 (3) September 2012

Cultural Competence Resources


Chapters in Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand, 3rd edition, Waikaremoana Waitoki, Neville Robertson, Jacqueline feather, Julia Rucklidge. The New Zealand Psychological Society, Wellington 2016.

Ethics and Culture: Foundations of Practice, Ingrid Huygens and Raymond Nairn pp15-26
Our Voices, Our Future: Indigenous Psychology in Aotearoa , Michelle Levy and Waikaremoana Waitoki, pp 27-48
Pākehā Culture and Psychology , Rosanne Black and Ingrid Huygens, pp 49-66
Informed Consent in the Aotearoa New Zealand Context, Tania Cargo, Waikaremoana Waitoki and Jacqueline Feather, pp131-144
He Waka Eke Noa – Māori and Indigenous Suicide Prevention: Models of Practice, Lessons and Challenges, Keri Lawson-Te Aho, pp 229-246
Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology in Aotearoa New Zealand, Margaret Dudley, Monique Faleafa and Esther Yong, pp247-264
Research and Practice in Psychology: Calibrating Cultural Understandings, Angus Hikairo Macfarlane, pp365-382
Psychological Practice, Social Determinants of Health and the Promotion of Human Flourishing , Darrin Hodgetts, Ottilie Stolte and Mohi Rua, pp 425-436
Social Justice and Community Change , Leigh Coombes, Stephanie Denne and Melissa Rangiwananga, pp437-450
Practising Psychology in a Media Saturated Society, Raymond Nairn and Tim McCreanor, pp 451-462
Criminal Justice Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand: Issues for Practitioners , Armon J. Tamatea, Nick Lascelles and Devon L. L. Polaschek, pp463-476

Chapters in Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand, Ian Evans, Julia Rucklidge, Michael O’Driscoll (eds).  The New Zealand Psychological Society, Wellington 2007

  • Ethical Principles and Cultural Justice in Psychological Practice, Nairn R  pp19-34
  • Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa: A Māori Perspective, Herbert A and Morrison L  pp35-48
  • Pakeha Culture and Psychology, Black R and Huygens I   pp49-66
  • Supervision in Aotearoa, Howard F, Burns B, Waitoki W   pp229-244
  • Training and Supporting a Māori Workforce, Gavala J and Taitimu M  pp229-244
  • Multicultural Competence in Bicultural Aotearoa, Love C and Waitoki W  pp265-280
  • Social Justice, Community Change, Coombes L and Te Hiwi E   pp379-396


Engaging and working with Māori? Effective practice for psychologists in education
Prof Ted Glynn.  University of Waikato, The Bulletin No 110, May, 2008 22-29

Cultural competencies for psychologists registered under the HPCA (2003) and those seeking to become registered
NZ Psychologists Board

Transcript of an address by Mason Durie at the launch of Te Iho, Auckland 2003
Durie, M., Te Iho Māori Mental Health Training Programme

Cultural Competence and Medical Practice in New Zealand
Durie M.

Cultural Safety in Nursing: The New Zealand Experience
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 8: 491-497 1996, Papps, E. & Ramsden, I.

Cultural competence
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Toro Mai- Free online courses in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori
Massey University

Working with Māori: an E-learning tool
Te Pou

Pacific Cultural Competencies: A literature review, Ministry of Health
Online publication, February 2008

Guidelines for Cultural Assessment – Māori
Under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003. Ministry of Health August 2004

Cancer Control in New Zealand
Ministry of Health 

Cultural Safety and Competence

Best health outcomes for Māori: Practice Implications
A resource booklet prepared for the MCNZ 

Reducing Inequalities
Department of Corrections

He Ritenga Whakaaro-A Survey of Māori Experiences of Health Services
Mauri Ora Associates, 2009

Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Action Plan 2017–2021
People Working in Mental Health and Addiction, Ministry of Health 

Guidelines for Researchers on Health Research Involving Māori
Health Research Council 2008

Pacific Health Review

Kia matāra: Negotiating Challenges in Māori Development.
Moderator -Michelle Levy

Māori and bicultural positions: Professional development programme for Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour
Ted Glynn, Angus Macfarlane

Attitudes towards biculturalism in New Zealand: Asking the wrong questions, getting the wrong answers?
Paul Callister -Callister & Associates Treaty Resource Centre-He Puna Mātauranga O Te Tiriti
