Archive New Zealand Psychologist

The current issue of the New Zealand Journal of Psychology is only available to members of the Society and those who subscribe to the Journal service.


New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 11, 1982

Contents: Vol 11, No 2, 1982

Psychopathology in Animals – J D Keehn
TransTasman Transsexualism – A J W Taylor
Illusory Correlation in Popular Beliefs about the Causes of Happiness – Richard Kammann, Kathleen Campbell
A Bayesian Approach to Weighting Progressive Achievement Test Scores – David C Hughes, Brian Keeling
Differences between Male and Female Psychologists within the Public Service in New Zealand – F A Walker, D W McKerracher
Book Reviews: Human Visual Orientation (Ian Howard) by John Perrone; Deviant Behaviour: New Zealand Studies (W A B Black & A J W Taylor) by R G Knight; Readings about the Social Animal (Elliott Aronson) by P N Hamid; Piaget’s Theory: A Primer (John L Phillips) by P S Freyberg; Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology (Richard Riding, Kevin Wheldall) by David Hughes

Contents: Vol 11, No 1, 1982

Circadian Rhythms: Implications for Psychology – Frank W Finger
Descriptive Characteristics of Applied Psychologists in the New Zealand Public Service: A Preliminary Report – F A Walker, D W McKerracher, K M Edwards
Professional Activities of NZ Psychologists Employed in Public Service: Actual, Ideal and Expected – D W McKerracher, F A Walker
New Zealand Student Norms for the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule – Iain A McCormick
Book Reviews: Advances in Clinical Child Psychology.Volume 3 (B B Lahey and A E Kazdin) by Karyn France; Psychology in Legal Contexts: Applications and Limitations (Sally Lloyd-Bostock) by M D Malloy; A Time to Talk: Counsellor and Counselled (Felix Donnelly) by John Small; The Lineaments of Mind in Historical Perspective (John Cohen) by Hugh Priest; The Standing of Psychoanalysis (B A Farrell) by Ralf Unger

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 10,1981

Contents: Vol 10, No 2, 1981

Towards the Measurement of Postural Congruence in Social Interaction – Gabrielle M Maxwell, Judith Pringle
Methodological Developments in the Social Sciences: Some Implications for Interdisciplinary Study – Peter Blunt
The Study of Life Events Stress – Jeanette Isherwood
A Behaviouristic Basis for an Ethic – Carl L Roberts
Book Reviews: The Social Psychology of Power (S H Ng) by Barrie Stacey; Family Mental Health Theory and Practice (Rae Sedgwick) by Lynne Haye; Introduction to designing and conducting research (Clifford J Drew) by Simon Kemp; Human Memory: Contemporary Readings (John G Seamon) by WE Hockley; A Chronical of Psychotherapeutic Abuse (Therese Spitzer) by John Dobson; Self-consciousness and social anxiety (A H Buss) by K T Strongman

Contents: Vol 10, No 1, 1981

Toward a Unification of Psychophysical and Behavioural Research – Dianne McCarthy
Attitudes and Self-reported Alcohol Consumption in New Zealand, 1978-1979 – Robert A M Gregson, Barrie G Stacey
Expectations and Predictors of the Division of Labour within Marriage – Max W Abbott, Peggy G Koopman-Boyden
Alcohol Counselling-A New Course for Professional Psychologists -W A M Black, M T Shaw
Book Reviews: Social Episodes: the study of Interaction Routines (Jospeh P Forgas) by Graham M Vaughan; Models of Man (Antony J Chapman, Dylan M Jones by R J Irwin; The Social Animal (Elliot Aronson) by J E Ritchie; Systematic Analyses of Learning and Motivation (F A Logan, D P Ferrano) by R C Kirk; Problems in Pain: Proceedings of the first Australia New Zealand Conference of Pain (C Peck, M Wallace) by Lynne Whitney; Counselling – A Skills-Approach (E A Munro, R J Manthei, J J Small) by Lynne Haye

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 9, 1980

Contents: Vol 9, No 2, 1980

Employment and Continuing Professional Education of New Zealand Psychologists – M J Dobson, R C Kirk
Increasing Happiness Through Cognitive Retraining – Shelley Lichter, Karen Haye, Richard Kammann
Treatment of Self-Injurious Behaviour: A Three Year Follow-up – N N Singh, P R Gregory, Ruth M Pulman
Eating Style and Body Weight – K T Strongman, R N Hughes
Social Skills, Training and Natural Contingencies – Ian McCormick
Citation Statistics for Psychologists in New Zealand Universities: 1975-1977 – Ray Over
Age and the Visual Sequential Memory Subtest of the ITPA – Dorothy Gronwall
Book Reviews: Clinical Neuropsychology (Kenneth Heilman, Edward Valenstein) by Michael C Corballis; Child Behaviour Therapy (David Marholin) by Nirbhay N Singh; Psychology of the Psychic (David Marks, Richard Kamman) by Barry Kirkwood; The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (James Gibson) by Geoff White

Contents: Vol 9, No 1, 1980

Do as I Say, Not as I Do – Kenneth E Lloyd
Rats’ Reactions to a Predator: Modification by Chlordiazepoxide – Dianne B Cameron, Neville Blampied
Effects of Experimenter and Test Location Novelty on Nonspecific Activity in Rats and its Modifcation by Methamphetamine -Robert N Hughes, Ijan J Beveridge
The Study of Empathy – A R Hornblow
Components of Some New Zealand Attitudes to Alcohol and Drinking in 1978-79: A Preliminary Report – R A M Gregson, B G Stacey
A Note on the Incidence of Colourblindness in Cook Island Males – C J Fisher, M B Simmonds
The Development of a Social Skills Unit  – Gabrielle M Maxwell, Judith Pringle
Book Reviews: Mindsplit: The Psychology of Multiple Personality and the Dissociated Self (Peter McKellar) by Ian M L Hunter; Chronometric Explorations of the Mind (Michael I Posner) by Julie McKenzie; Eye Movements and the Higher Psychological Functions (John W Senders, Dennis F Fisher, Richard A Monty) by J A Perrons; Memory Development in Children (Peter A Ornstein) by J C McDowall; Language and Cognition in Schizophrenia (S Schwartz) by R G Knight; Psychology: From Research to Practice (H L Pick) and Advances in Urban Psychology (A Baum) by K T Strongman; History of Behaviour Modification: Contemporary Research (Alan F Kazdin) by Neville M Blampied; Sigmund Freud, his Life in Pictures and Words (Ernest Freud, Lucie Freud, Ilse Grubich-Simitis) by R A M Gregson; Principles and Practice of Child Psychiatry (Stella Chess, Mahin Hassibi) by John S Williams; Psychopathological Disorders of Childhood (Herbert C Quay, John S Werry) by John S Williams

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 8, 1979

Contents: Vol 8, No 2, 1979

On the Social Construction of the Intellect – William Doise, Diane Mackie, Graham Vaughan
Bem Sex-Role Inventory Performance in Students: Comparisons between New Zealand, Australian and American Samples – Robert N Hughes
Scholarly Impact of New Zealand Psychology (1970-1977) – Murray J White
Underrepresentation of Women in New Zealand Departments of Psychology – Ray Over
Book Reviews: Reminiscence, Motivation and Personality (H J Eysennck) by K T Strongman; The Discovery of the Unconscious: the History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry (Henri F Ellenberger) by Peter McKellar; Human Emotions (Caroll E Izard) by K T Strongman; Behavioural Research: Theory, Procedure and Design (L S Meyers, N E Grossen) by R A M Gregson; A Primer on Sleep and Dreaming (Rosalind Dymond Cartwright) by Christopher M McGeorge; The Psychological Rehabilitation of the Amputee (Lawrence W Freidmann) by Tim Williams; The Melancholy Marriage (M K Hinchliffe, D Hooper, F J Roberts) by A J W Taylor

Contents: Vol 8, No 1, 1979

Properties of an Inventory to Measure Happiness (and Psychological Health) – Richard Kammann, David Christie, Robyn Irwin, Graeme Dixon
If You Want to Know how Happy I am You’ll Have to Ask Me – Richard Kammann, Robyn Irwin, Graeme Dixon
The Rules of Different Situations – M Argyle,J A Graham, A Campbell, P White
An Ergonomic Evaluation of a Sample of Near New Domestic Kitchens in Christchurch – Paul Russell, Robyn Norton
Technical Note: The Measurement of Electroencephalographic Functioning During Motor Activity – D A R Smith, R A M Gregson
Clinical Psychology and the People: Another Perspective – A J W Taylor
Clinical Psychology and the People: A Reply to Taylor – John Raeburn
Book Reviews: Chance to be Equal (Jane Ritchie) – by Barbara Calvert; Mathematical Tools for Multivariate Analysis (P E Green, J D Carroll) by Alan R Forbes; Cognitive-Behaviour Modification: an Integrative Approach (Donad Meichenbaum) by Peter W Dowrick; Handbook of Sex therapy (Joseph and Leslie LoPiccolo) by A J W Taylor; Neuropsychology (Henry Hecaen, Martin Albert) by I L Beale; Principles and Techniques of Mental Health Consultation (S C Plog, P I Ahmud) by V F W Soeterik; Psychology of Learning and Behaviour (B Schwartz) by Geoff White; Behaviour Analysis in New Zealand ( T Glynn, S McNaughton) by Geoff White; Abstracts of Papers Presented to the Annual Conference of the NZPsS, August 1978

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 7,1978

Contents: Vol 7, No 2, 1978

Division of Labour in the New Zealand Nuclear Family – Garth J O Fletcher
Clinical Psychology vs. the People: A Community Psychology Perspective – John Raeburn
The Work Values of New Zealand Male Manual Workers: A Research Note – J H Kerr Inkson
SRA Verbal Test Scores from 1011 Women – Phil A Silva
Submission to the Select Committee on Violent Offending From: The New Zealand Psychological Society – David Thomas
Book Reviews: Psychology of Development and History (Klaus Reigel) by John A Codd; Vigilance: Theory, Operational Performance, and Physiological Correlates (R W Mackie) by Paul N Russell; Sex Roles: Biological, Psychological and Social Foundations (Shirley Weitz) by Aloma Colgan; The Hierarchical Nature of Personal Illness (G A Foulds) by Alan R Forbes; The Pakeha Papers (J Older) by John Raeburn

Contents: Vol 7, No 1, 1978

Scaling Conservatism – Bruce D Jamieson
Sir Cyril Burt and the Inheritance of the I.Q.– H J Eysenck
Job Reactions of New Zealand Manual Workers: A Theoretical Comment – Vivianne M J Robinson
New Zealand Workers’ Attitudes: Reply to Robinson – J H Kerr Inkson
Reactions to Job Characteristics: Reply to Robinson – Bruce D Jamieson
The Psychology of Conservatism: Comment on Stacey – Glenn Wilson
The Wilson-Patterson Conservatism Scale – Barrie Stacey
Report of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Women in Psychology in New Zealand – J Elisabeth Wells, Lyn Fry, Beryl Hesketh
Book Reviews: The Neuropsychology of Language (R W Rieber) by M B Simmonds; Psychopathology of Human Adaptation (G Serban) by R A M Gregson; Emerging Concepts of Alcohol Dependence (E M Pattison, M B Sobell, Linda C Sobell) by R A M Gregson; An Intellectual History of Psychology (Daniel N Robinson) by Peter McKellar; The Origins and Course of Psychopathology: Methods in Longitudinal Research (J S Strauss, H Babigan, M Roff) by M W Abbott; Single Case Experimental Designs: Strategies for Studying Behaviour Change (M Hersen, D H Barlow) by A R Forbes; Psychoticism as a Dimension of Personality (H J  and S B G Eysenck) by A R Forbes

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 6, 1977

Contents: Vol 6, No 2, 1977

Artifact in Social Psychological Research: The Subject’s View – Brian R Flay, Nicholas Hamid
Forensic Psychology: Principles, Practice and Training – A J W Taylor
The Psychology of Conservatism. Part II: Wilson’s Theory and General Trends in the Study of Conservatism – Barrie Stacey
Abortion in New Zealand Public Hospitals: A Twenty-Five Year Review – R A Brown, W A P Facer
Views of Dunedin Public on the Recommendations of the Royal Commission of Contraception, Sterilization and Abortion in New Zealand – Gabrielle M Maxwell, Sik Hung Ng
Attributions Induced by Four Feedback Conditions During Acquisition Trials on a Novel Motor Task – Lin McCaughan
Famulus: A Computerised Retrieval Package – John Kirkland
Book Reviews: The Psychology of Left and Right (M C Corballis, I L Beale) by M C Davison; Helping Troubled Children (Michael Rutter) by John Church; Inner Speech and Thought (A N Sokolov) by M B Simmonds; Exploring Sex Differences (Barbara Lloyd, John Archer) by Gabrielle Maxwell; Hypnosis: Trance as a Coping Machine (Fred H Frankel) By Arreed F Barabasz; Titles of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland, August, 1977

Contents: Vol 6, No 1, 1977

The Job Satisfaction of New Zealand Male Manual Workers – J H Kerr Inkson
Reactions to Job Characteristics Among Samoan, Maori and Pakeha Employees – Claire L Barnes, Bruce D Jamieson
Socio-economic Status in New Zealand: An Updated Empirical Index and its Relationship to other NZ Empirical and Statistical Indices – Robert A C Stewart, Edith I Gorringe
The Psychology of Conservatism, Part I: The Conceptual Framework and Theories of Eysenck and Ray – Barrie Stacey
Paradigm Lost or Paradigm Regained? Behaviour Therapy and Homosexuality – Michael W Ross
Behavioural Control of Self-Injury in the Mentally Retarded – Nirbhay N Singh
Letters to the Editor
Book Reviews: Psychology and Theory (C J Adcock) by Peter McKellar and R A M Gregson; Exnuptial Children and Their Parents (Social Welfare Research Monograph) by Deryn Cooper; Psychology in New Zealand (Wayne Innes) by W A M Black; Behaviourism – a review of the first six issues by Neville Blampied; Social Exchange Theory (J K Chadwick-Jones) and Social Psychology and Intergroup Relations (M Billig) by George Shouksmith; Approaches to the Study of Social Structure (P M Blau) by B G Stacey; Towards the Validation of Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Replication (D H Malan) by A J W Taylor; A Primer of Multivariate Statistics (R J Harris) and Multivariate Statistical Methods (D F Morrison) by Alan R Forbes; Soviet Psychology: History, Theory, Content (J McLeish) by R A M Gregson

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 5, 1976

Contents: Vol 5, No 2, 1976

A Profile of the NZ Psychological Society: Education, Sex, First Employment – L S Leland, M E Trainor
Concussion: Does Intelligence Help? – D Gronwall
Gustatory Desensitising Effects of Pseudowintera Colorata – M B Simmonds
The 1976 Road Safety Research Seminar – Barry J Kirkwood
Submission to the Select Committee on the Cinematographic Films Bill and the Cinematographic Films Amendment Bill – NZ Psychological Society
Resolution Concerning Professional Ethics in Psychology – The International Union of Psychological Science
Book reviews: Retreat from Apartheid: New Zealand’s Sporting Contacts with South Africa (Richard Thompson) by Graham Vaughan; Adolescence in New Zealand: A Book of Readings (R A C Stewart) by Marie M Clay; Origins of Intelligence: Infancy and Early Childhood (Michael Lewis) by Pauline Nye; Intrinsic Motivation (Edward L Deci) by Dave Clarke; Experiencing the Environment (S Wapner, S B Cohen, B Kaplan) by K Geoffrey White
Abstract of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Psychological Society, Hamilton, August 1976

Contents: Vol 5, No 1, 1976

The Effects of Feedback and Motivation on Persistence, Performance and Satisfaction in an Introductory Psychology Course – David E Clarke
Q-therapy and Schizophrenic Gaze – J Desmond Rainey
Biofeedback and the Headache – Christopher M McGeorge
Some Correlates of Psychoticism Revised and Revisited – Alan R Forbes
Psychological Sequelae of Abortion – Adrien V Gordon
Submissions to the Royal Commission on Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion – The New Zealand Psychological Society
Book Reviews: The Illusion of Attitude Change: Toward a response Contagion theory of persuasion (J M Nuttin) by Nicky Hamid; Elements of a two-process theory of learning (J A Gray) by Neville M Blampied

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 4, 1975

Contents: Vol 4, No 2, 1975

The Assembly-Line and Alienation: A Participant-Observer Study in the Meat-Freezing Industry – Kerr Inkson, David Simpson
The Comprehensibility of a New Zealand University Calendar (with variation in length) – Richard Kamman, Robyn Irwin
Clinical Psychology, who is to Decide? – Olive Webb
Employment Opportunities for Psychologists in New Zealand
A Simple Device for Recording Several Channels of Binary Data on Paper Tape – B Dingwall, L Hatley, G Maxwell
Book Reviews: Motivational Control Systems Analysis (D J MacFarland) by R A M Gregson; Intellectual Functioning in the Aged (R D Savage, P G Britton, N Bolton, E H Hall) by R A M Gregson; Attributes of Memory (Peter Herriot) by Paul N Russell; Perception and Understanding in Young Children (Peter Bryant) by Ivan L Beale; The Competent Infant: Research and Commentary (L J Stone, L B Murphy) by J Dubignon; Psychometrics of Similarity (R A M Gregson) by Michael C Corballis); Polynesian and Pakeha in New Zealand Education (Douglas Bray, Clement Hill) by G Vaughan; Mental Handicap: A Brief Guide (Brian Kirman) by W A M Black

Contents: Vol 4, No 1, 1975

Procedural Issues in the Systematic Desensitization of an Air-Travel Phobia – Eugene A Levitt
Loosening the Marital Bonds of Clinical Psychology: Psychologists in the General Hospital – P W Bradshaw
The Research-Subject Panel at the University of Otago – L Hartley, P W Bradshaw, P Graham
Computer Programmes for Signal Detection Theory – L Hartley, P Graham
Relationship Between Sex Role and Sex Orientation in Homosexual Men – Michael W Ross
Early Memories and Sex Differences– Ngaire V Adcock
Book Reviews: The Psychological Effects of Concussion (D M A Gronwall, H Sampson) by L Hartley; Social Encounters (Michael Argyle) by Richard Forsyth; From Anecdote to Experiment in Psychical Research (Robert H Thouless) by D F Marks

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 3, 1974

Contents: Vol 3, No 2, 1974

Student Counselling and Crash Prevention – Jules Older
Behavioural Change and Personality Variables in Delinquency – John A Codd
Short Form of the WAIS A preliminary Sub-Test Selection – J N Castanos
Prior Training and Self Reinforcement in the Standard Two Classroom – H J Jackson, E L Glynn
Abstracting Ideas from Sentences – K Geoffrey White
A Note on the Gustatory Sensitivity of an Antarctic Wintering Party – M B Simmonds
Book Reviews: Mathematical Psychology (Donald Laming) by R A M Gregson; Psychology and Common Sense (R B Joynson) by John Adcock; Radical Psychology (P Brown) by A J W Taylor; Surface Colour Perception (Jacob Beck) by R J Irwin; The Psychology of Consciousness (R E Ornstein) by David F Marks

Contents: Vol 3, No 1, 1974

Testing the Test: How Adequate is the 16 PF with a NZ Student Sample? – Ngaire V Adcock
Should the 16 PF be used in Personnel Selection? – P E Bull
The Treatment of a Wind-Phobic Woman in Wellington – A J W Taylor
How good is the Wilson-Patterson Conservatism Scale? – John J Ray
Evaluation of the Conservatism Scale: A Reply to Ray – Glenn Wilson
Current Trends in Industrial and Organsiational Psychology – Bruce D Jamieson
Bayesian Sequential Analysis in Psychological Research – Uwe Mortensen
Book Reviews: The psychology ofAboriginal Australians (G E Kearney, P R de Lacey, GR Davidson) by R H T Thompson; The psychology of conservatism (Glenn D Wilson)by L B Brown; Time-series (M G Kendall) By R A M Gregson; Prospects for the reduction of road losses due to vehicle crash in New Zealand (David Klein) by L B Brown; Computer Program – P E Bull

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 2, 1973

Contents: Vol 2, No 2, 1973

Some Current Trends in Memory – J Elizabeth Wells
Dynamic Programming and Psychology – Graham M Taylor
Like Status Sells: A Field Test of Belief-Congruence – Paul N Hamid, Paula A Stringfield
‘Offensive’ Language Amongst “Right-Thinking” People – Roger Boshier, Russell Goodall
Behavioural Treatment of Parental Assault on a Child – Donald A Sandford, Richard D Tustin
A Scale for Measuring Adolescents’ Attitudes to School – K D Ballard
Book Reviews: Personality: Research and Theory (Nathan Brody) by Alan R Forbes; NZ Society, Contemporary Perspectives (S D Webb) by B D Jamieson; The Homosexual Dialectic (Joseph A McCaffrey) by W A M Black; The Psychology of Anomalous Experience: A Cognitive Approach (G Reed) by R A M Gregson; Organisation in Animal Communities (Hilary O Box) by P Nye

Contents: Vol 2, No 1, 1973 

Some Correlates of Psychoticism – Alan R Forbes
TV Viewing Habits of 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Children – W D Barney
Secondary Memory and the Acquisition of Reading in Young Children – G Brian Thompson
A Tale of Canterbury Clinicians – W A M Black
A Portable Observation Timer Emitting Differential Tones for Signalling Observation and Recording Intervals – E L Glynn, D L Tuck
Review of Peter Saville, The British Standardisation of the 16 PF – by C J Adcock
Book Reviews: Racism: The Australian Experience (F S Stevens) by R H T Thompson; Biofeedback and Self Control, 1971 (Stoyva, Barber, Dirara, Kamiya, Miller, Shapiro) by M B Simmonds; Marijuana and Personality Change (J R Lord) by Alan R Forbes; Sexist Society (S Kedgley, S Cederman) by A J W Taylor; Information Transmission (Elwyn Edwards) by R A M Gregson; Bayesian Statistics (D L Meyer) by R A M Gregson

New Zealand Psychologist, Volume 1, 1972

Contents: Vol 1, No 2, 1972

Psychology in Contemporary Germany – Uwe Mortensen
Self-Concepts Associated with two Measures of Cognitive-Style – George Shouksmith
Some Status and Conformity Effects on Compliance – G M Maxwell
Survey of Canterbury Anglican Women’s Attitudes to Abortion – G E Scarr
A Technique for Training Students in an Educational Setting to Increase the Percentage of Alpha Waves – Pamela J Tarulevicz
International Congress Report – R A M Gregson
Book Reviews: Children’s Reading Interests (W B elley, C W Tolley) by P S Freyberg; Born Illegitimate; Social and Educational Implications (E Collins, M L Pringle, P West) by A J W Taylor; Mathematical models inpsychology, an introduction (F Restle) by R A M Gregson; Linear program length and pupil performance (NZCER) by R A M Gregson

Contents: Vol 1, No 1, 1972

Obituary Mario Fleischl
Values Reflected in Children’s Drawings – Mollie S Smart, Alta Gordon, Russell C Smart
Verbal and Token Reinforcement: Elements of Behaviour Control in a Problem Class – E L Glynn
Current Research on Choice Behaviour at the University of Auckland – M C Davison
The Legacy of Iwan Bloch (1872-1922) – Murray J White
