Institute of Health Psychology (IHP)
The Institute of Health Psychology (IHP) shares the New Zealand Psychological Society’s commitment to promote and disseminate psychology as a pure and applied science but with a specific focus on the discipline and interests of health psychology. Being a member of the IHP provides the combined benefits of the Society and the Institute, and is a great opportunity to contribute to health psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Aims of the Institute
The Institute of Health Psychology was established in the interests of the public and the profession, to promote the highest standards of health psychology knowledge and practice within Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Institute specifically aims to:
- Promote the discipline of Health Psychology in New Zealand
- Promote the professional development of health psychologists in New Zealand by facilitating opportunities for ongoing education and the sharing of information relevant to the practice of health psychology
- Promote the interests of the profession of health psychology in New Zealand
IHP Committee members for 2023/24 are:
Iris Fontanilla, Chairperson
Rushaina Variava, Secretary
Eva Morunga, Cultural Support
tbc, Treasurer
Debbie Bean, PD Coordinator
Yenushka Goonesekera, PD Coordinator
What are the benefits of belonging to the Institute?
Being a member of the IHP provides a range of benefits, including:
- Recognition – your professional status will be easily recognised by employing authorities and other professional bodies. Full Members receive a Certificate of Membership and can use the title MNZPsS, MIHP.
- Professional Support – you will have the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with colleagues as part of a network of health psychologists throughout New Zealand.
- Training and Conference – you get to attend regular IHP Peer Review meetings, and get discounted fees at IHP sponsored workshops. Your opinions and preferences can help shape the training that is offered.
- Consultation and Representation – your views on relevant professional matters can be represented through IHP involvement in various government consultation groups and submissions.
Membership Criteria and Categories
Full Member (Practitioner) status is open to anyone who:
Has New Zealand Registration as a Psychologist AND has a minimum of two years’ experience or 1500 hours* working as a registered psychologist providing psychological care to patients/ clients who present with physical health problems.
* 1500 hours completed as an intern psychologist are included towards these criteria.
Full Member (Academic) status is open to anyone who:
Holds a post graduate qualification in health psychology or equivalent qualification.
Currently works primarily in teaching or research activities related to the field of health psychology.
Student Affiliate – status is open to anyone who:
Has been accepted to be enrolled in the Post Graduate Diploma in Health Psychology or equivalent qualification.
Please note that NZPsS student subscribers can become institute student subscribers only. To become a full member of an institute you need to be a full member of NZPsS first.
Download the IHP student application form
Membership Fees
Membership is free (included in your annual NZPsS subscription).
The IHP was formally established at the NZPsS’s 2009 AGM. The IHP has an elected governing committee that meets quarterly to promote the Institute’s aims. While subject to the rules of the Society, the IHP has its own set of governance rules, which are available on the NZPsS website or by request.
How to join the IHP
click here for the online application form
By clicking this link you will find the membership application form. Please complete the relevant sections and press submit. Your application will be reviewed by the delegated members of the IHP committee and you will be advised by email once it is processed. We aim to do this in a timely manner, which can be expected to take about 2 weeks once your application is received.
IHP Grants
Our IHP grants are open for applications until 15 July 2024. Please see the information and application forms below.
1) Keshia Handa Grant online application form: https://forms.gle/dboLSbHwjdRQ9QfF9
2) Student Grant online application form: https://forms.gle/H3SkhVZXbNZmpdJV7
3) Keshia Handa Grant 2024 flyer with more information
4) Student Grant 2024 flyer with more information
5) Reports by past recipients of the grant:
- Musheerah's report attached - Musheerah Nuha, 2023 Keshia Handa grant recipient
- Excerpt by Anna Boggiss below, 2023 Keshia Handa grant recipient
I am so thankful to have attended the 2023 Psychosocial Oncology Conference in Wellington with the support of the Keshia Handa Grant. The conference exceeded its central theme of “Kotahitanga, Connection, and Collaboration” with an intimate group of Social Workers, Psychologists, Radiotherapists, Researchers, and those with lived experience of cancer connecting to brainstorm and share knowledge about how we support our people and their whaanau with cancer. Key takeaways from the conference for me included, therapeutic tools from the day one workshop on Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (fACT) and Te Mauri Wānanga from Kokiri Marae Social Services, which I readily implemented into my practice on my return. The conference also strengthened my interest in supporting those impacted by gynaecological cancers, with excellent speakers like Tash Crosby from Talk Peach, Specialist Gynaecological Social Worker Lizzie Waring, and Certified Sex Educator Emma Hewitt.
Psychology Week 2023 Videos
How to Study Health Psychology:
To celebrate psychology week, the Institute of Health Psychology are promoting health psychology careers. As part of this, you can find out about the three health psychology programmes available here in Aotearoa by watching three short videos. We hope you are inspired on your pathway to a career in Health Psychology!
Health Psychology at the University of Auckland: https://vimeo.com/827454963/b2128c32e8?share=copy
Health Psychology at Victoria University: https://vimeo.com/827455512/13baf8c0ec?share=copy
Health Psychology at Massey University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2lvlIyaRMA
Contact the NZPsS membership administrator on
for more information.