Wellington Branch

Committee 2022/23

Chair: Arlene Conway
Treasurer: Kennedy McLachlan 
Committee Members: Teresa Nagel, Sarah Riley, Frank O’Connor, Samuel Williams and Susan Wall. 
Our Massey University student representative is Chrissie Gillmore
Our Victoria University student representative is Lucy Holden 


Slides from the Wellington branch online webinar presented by B Arlene Conway on 26 May 2020


The Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Psychological Society are inviting you to their next  MindMeet event. MindMeet is an opportunity for a range of mental health and health professionals to get together to share their ideas and experiences.  

Our next event is a discussion about ethical dilemmas and is hosted by Jack Austin.  Please join us for

To do or not to do – that is the (ethics) question  

15 August 2023

6.00pm - 8.00pm

Jack is past President and Fellow of the New Zealand Psychological Society.  He was involved in the original working group responsible for producing the Code of Ethics and is participating in the current revision. Jack started the NZPSs ethic’s help desk in 2008, which has evolved into a professional service supporting members to work through difficult practice concerns. Other roles held by Jack past and present include Wellington Regional Manager, Special Education Service, Ministerial Private Secretary for Special Education and Chairperson of Koputai Trust.

The format for this online MindMeet includes an opportunity to join the session early (from 5.50pm) to connect with other attendees, Jack will present case examples, along with the complications and circumstances that make things less clear and provoke ethical considerations, attendees will work in small groups to consider the scenario and then there will be an opportunity to share opinions with the wider group.

If you would like to attend please email mailto:arlenec(at)kofo.co.nz  or visit the Meet Up page

