
People who do not hold qualifications in psychology sufficient for membership but who have a professional interest in psychology may also apply to join the NZPsS as subscribers.

Subscribers are not members of the Society and will not be eligible to vote but will receive notices of and be entitled to attend general meetings of the Society and to enjoy such privileges of membership as the Executive may from time to time determine. Subscribers are entitled to receive the monthly e-newsletter, any news updates, Psychology Aotearoa and reduced fees at NZPsS events. The current fee for Subscribers is NZ$225.00

Download Subscribership Application Form (PDF)

Temporary Subscriberships

People who are qualified for membership but who are either resident overseas or newly arrived in New Zealand, and unable to obtain membership nomination from two members may apply to join the NZPsS as temporary subscribers. Temporary subscriber status may continue for a maximum of 12 months from the date of arrival in New Zealand. Temporary subscribers are not members of the Society and will not be eligible to vote but will be entitled to receive all periodicals and services and attend all events at members’ rates. The current fee for Temporary Subscribers is NZ$458.00

Download Temporary Subscribership Application Form (PDF)

Student Subscribership

Student subscribership is open to anyone enrolled in a postgraduate psychology course at a New Zealand educational institution. It is free to join the NZPsS as a student subscriber.

You will receive the Connections monthly e-newsletter, any news updates, Psychology Aotearoa and access to the latest online New Zealand Journal of Psychology, and membership only access to our website.  Where applicable, student registration rates are offered for the conference and professional development workshops as well as great discounts on professional practice books published by the Society.

Additional benefits for Student members (also see  Postgraduate Student HQ)

  • Eligibility for the Best Student Conference Paper award/s.
  • The opportunity to have your research published in the NZ Journal of Psychology or Psychology Aotearoa.
  • Able to join an NZPsS Institute as a student member such as the Clinical Institute (ICP), Health Institute (IHP), Criminal Justice and Forensic (ICJFP), Community (IComPA), Counselling (ICounsPsy), Educational and Developmental (IEDP) and Organisational (IOP) Institutes. Opportunities to be involved in your local NZPsS branch.
  • When applying for full membership within 12 months of graduation and provided you have been a student member of the Society for a minimum of 12 months, you gain the benefit of a 75% former student discount on the subscription for the first year of full membership and 50% discount in the second year.

Students, apply online here>>
