
Our History -ā tātou pūrākau

The New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) was established in 1947 and later as a stand alone incorporated Society in 1967.

To read more about the history of the NZPsS - see these posters
* From independence to professional registration: A timeline of activities (PDF)
50 Years Social Justice (PDF)
Members of the New Zealand Branch of the British Psychological Society 1964 (PDF)
Highlights from our bicultural journey (PDF)
Women working for change the first twenty years of the New Zealand Psychological Society (PDF)
Pioneer women psychologists in the New Zealand Psychological Society (PDF)
Supporting excellent practice through professional development (PDF)
Our Karahipi Tumuaki Scholars (PDF)



Contact us (office(at)psychology.org.nz) if you would like this free booklet "British Psychological Society, New Zealand Branch 1947-1967"




To hear about the history of the NZPsS click below on the videos of past NZPsS presidents

Past NZPsS President Assoc Prof Kerry Gibson reflects on her time as President (2014-2016)

Past NZPsS President Peter Coleman reflects on his time as President (2012-2014)

Past NZPsS President Frank O'Connor reflects on his time as President (2010-2012)

Past NZPsS President Jack Austin reflects on his time as President (2008-2010)

Past NZPsS President Dr Raymond Nairn reflects on his time as President (2006-2008)

Past NZPsS President Dr Cheryl Woolley reflects on her time as President (2002-2004)

Past NZPsS President Dr Barry Parsonson reflects on his time as President (2000-2002)

Past NZPsS President Dr Olive Webb reflects on her time as President (1993-1995)

Past NZPsS President Dr Freda Walker reflects on her time as President (1989-1990)

Past NZPsS President Dr Aloma Parker (nee Colgan) reflects on her time as President (1985-1986)

Past NZPsS President Dr Ross St George reflects on his time as President (1982-1983)

Past NZPsS President Prof Andrew Hornblow reflects on his time as President (1980-1981)

Past NZPsS President Emeritus Prof Tony Taylor reflects on his time as President (1971-1972)

Prof Neville Blampied, Executive member from 2004 – 2010, discusses the major issues in education and research

Past Presidents of the NZPsS 

Click here to view the list of past NZPsS Presidents
