
Our international connections

IUPSyS logo.pngThe NZPsS is connected with international psychology through its membership of the International
Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), its affiliate membership of the
International Association of Applied PsychologPam-and-Kerry-at-IUPYS-e1478655956631.jpgy.

Past-President Dr Kerry Gibson and Past-Executive Director Dr Pamela Hyde represented New Zealand at                                   the  IUPsYS Assembly in Yokohama in July 2016. 



International Memoranda of Understanding

The NZPsS has memoranda of understanding with:

The American Psychological Association

The Australian Psychological Society

The British Psychological Society

The Oceania Psychology Register

The Yokohama Declaration

Attendees at the Asia Pacific Forum, at the International Congress of Psychology ICP 2016, Yokohama representing IUPsyS members, affiliates and other colleagues in the Asia Pacific region made a declaration aimed at strengthening professional, scientific and regulatory organisations in accomplishing their mission and achieving effective local, regional and international collaboration. Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki is representing the NZPsS on this forum. To read the full declaration click here: The Yokohama Declaration.

International Project on Competence in Psychology (IPCP)

At the 5th International Congress on Licensure, Certification and Credentialing of Psychologists in 2013 it was decided to take the process onwards in a project that in principle will be supported by IAAP and IUPsyS, and with the same goal; to promote the development of “A global agreement on identifying the benchmark competencies that define professional psychology”. This was supported by the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) and International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS). The project was named “International Project on Competence in Psychology – IPCP” and a Work Group was established. The members of this group who are listed below included NZPsS Bicultural Director, Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki; Bartram Dave UK; DeMers Steve USA; Gauthier Janel; Gutiérrez Germán Colombia; Han Buxin China; Osborne Steve New Zealand; Nielsen Sverre Norway; Sodi Tholene South Africa; Waitoki Waikaremoana New Zealand; Hilson Amy USA

To view the International Declaration on Core Competencies in Professional Psychology go to

International Resources/Links

Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for psychologists –

International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology –

Award for Services to International Psychology –  Dr Barry Parsonson and Dr JaneMary Castelfranc-Allen

international psychology, Barry Parsonson and JaneMary Castelfranc-Allen.jpgThe Executive of the New Zealand Psychological Society has honoured the extensive voluntary work in Georgia by NZPsS Members Dr Barry Parsonson and Dr JaneMary Castelfranc-Allen by presenting them with an award for services to international psychology in 2015. This award recognises Barry and JaneMary’s 18 years of volunteer work in developing alternatives to orphanage care for children in Georgia. This included returning children to families, foster-parenting and small group homes for those unable to be placed. They also worked on establishing inclusive education practices, family support services for those with special needs children and emergency foster care for abandoned children. Through the NGO they established, they have engaged with the training of psychologists and developed and taught in undergraduate and post-graduate psychology programmes at Tbilisi State University. They have acted as advocates with the Government, in working with Ministries and UNICEF as well as in co-ordination with other NGOs with whom they teamed up. In presenting this award the NZPsS Executive also honoured Barry and JaneMary’s active membership of the Society and their support of their colleagues through the work they have carried out on behalf of the Society. In conferring the award, President of the Society, Dr Kerry Gibson noted that the Society is justly proud to have Barry and JaneMary as members of the Society.
