What we do

Quality ethical practice

The primary aim of the NZPsS is to support our members in providing quality psychological services and in adhering to the Code of Ethics for Psychologists Working in Aotearoa/New Zealand  through the provision of professional development, practice resources and support.  

Bicultural commitment

The NZPsS is committed to developing and promoting biculturalism and cultural diversity in the work that it does. In seeking to achieve its goals and objects the Society actively seeks to encourage policies and practices which reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and in particular the spirit and intent of the Treaty of Waitangi. This commitment is reflected in Rule 3 of the Society’ Rules.


We represent the professional needs of and interests of our members in the service of community wellbeing and advancing social justice through our advocacy role with Government and other agencies.


The NZPsS works with other organisations in support of the delivery of quality psychological interventions, cultural competence and the development of the psychology workforce to improve the wellbeing of New Zealanders

Awards and honours

The NZPsS awards, scholarships and honours recognise distinguished contributions to psychological practice, education, science as well as services to the public and to colleagues. and practice, as well as early career achievements

Our international colleagues

The NZPsS is connected with international psychology through its membership of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) and has memoranda of understanding with a number of overseas professional psychological associations. 
