Psychology Aotearoa

November 2019 cover pic.jpgPsychology Aotearoa replaced the New Zealand Psychological Society biannual publication Bulletin in 2009. It is published in May and November and features content of interest to psychologists in a range of areas including the teaching, training and practice of psychology in New Zealand, psychology research, application of psychology to current social and political issues and aspects of the contemporary psychology scene in New Zealand and overseas. It is mailed to NZPsS members and emailed to student subscribers. The current  version is here for members only.

Submission Deadlines:

May edition – deadlines are March 1 for research/theory based manuscripts which will be peer reviewed- April 1 for all other contributions.

November edition – deadlines are September 1 for research/theory based manuscripts which will be peer reviewed- October 1 for all other contributions.

Click on Guidelines for Submissions (PDF) and Guidelines for Book Reviews (PDF).


Subscriptions to Psychology Aotearoa are $20 per annum (January to December). This is now an online publication and bought isues are in a PDF format. Contact office(at) for orders or click here for the Psychology Aotearoa subscription form (PDF)

Advertising opportunities are available.
